HENRY H. HAVIGHORST, hardware, Havana; was born in Mason Co. June 13, 1844, and is the eldest son of John H. Havighorst, Sr., who settled in the county as early as 1837; Henry worked on his father's farm until the fall of 1858, when, with his father's family, he removed to Havana, which has since been his home; he received his education at the Northwestern University at Naperville, Ill; in 1807, he went to Colorado and spent the greater portion of that and the following year in the mountain and mining districts of Colorado and Wyoming, serving for a time as agent, for Wells, Fargo & Co. and also operating a branch store for John Wanless & Co., post sutlers at Ft. Sanders; he returned to Havana in the fall of 1868, and, on the 22d of December following, was married to Miss Harriett A. Howell, who was born in Mason Co., Ill.; two children by this union, Bertha L. and Flora A. In the spring of 1869. he engaged in the hardware business in this city under the firm name of Bennett & Havighorst, and, in 1872, sold his interest to his partner and served as Deputy Sheriff under L. M. Hillyer for nearly one year, and then purchased the hardware stock of his former partner, since which he has continued in the same line of trade.